On Air
Le Morning Attitude By Seb : CLARA LUCIANI - Tout Pour Moi

Frontière Rock 100% Underground du 02.10.18

Frontière Rock 22h minuit chaque mardi spéciale Post Punk, Cold Wave, Deathrock, New Wave, Gothic Rock…
Ré écoutez l’émission Dark du 02 octobre 2018 qui monte en cliquant sur le lien ci dessus.
Une programmation pleine de nouveautés, d’inédits, d’exclus et de classiques et de souvenirs, et un nouvelle chronique chaque semaine « Post Punk Story » et un agenda des concerts de la semaine.
tous les mardis de 22H à Minuit
Ce soir entretien avec John Bender du groupe Feelings Of Nowhere pour parler de son album 5 Ways sortie ce jour 03 octobre 2018
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/feelingsofnowhere/
Bandcamp : https://feelingsofnowhere.bandcamp.com/album/5-ways

Frontiere Rock 22h midnight every Tuesday special Post Punk, Cold Wave, Deathrock, New Wave, Gothic Rock …
Listen to the show Dark of October 02, 2018 which goes up by clicking on the link above.
A program full of novelties, unreleased, exclusives and classics and memories, and a new weekly column « Post Punk Story » and a calendar of concerts of the week.
every Tuesday from 22H to midnight
Tonight interview with John Bender of the band Feelings Of Nowhere to talk about his album 5 Ways release today 03 October 2018

Date: 02/10/2018
Slot: 22h
Hour Performer Title
Tuesday 22:05:40 Hoffen Shalom
Tuesday 22:09:28 OX Truism
Tuesday 22:16:45 Suir Warsaw
Tuesday 22:21:06 Lizard Smile Images Of Distance
Tuesday 22:26:54 Fopmusic Let Me Know
Tuesday 22:31:26 Monaoath 3411 (DEMO)
Tuesday 22:33:05 NIGHT TRAIN TO NOWHERE Stripper
Tuesday 22:48:26 Feelings Of Nowhere & My Bittersweet Diary Forgiveless
Tuesday 22:55:23 Fields Of The Nephilim The Watchmen

Date: 02/10/2018
Slot: 23h
Hour Performer Title
Tuesday 23:06:40 VISIONS IN CLOUDS -Tides.mp3 Tides.mp3
Tuesday 23:10:41 Corpses of Creation Consciousness is a curse
Tuesday 23:17:11 Get Synchronized Basilisk (Original Version)
Tuesday 23:21:41 Tenebre Your Reflection
Tuesday 23:24:56 Accumortis Ghostface
Tuesday 23:28:37 PADKAROSDA Idézés
Tuesday 23:32:34 Rubella Ballet Slant & Slide
Tuesday 23:36:13 Dawn Of Elysium Divide and Conquer
Tuesday 23:41:51 the Coventry Natural Order
Tuesday 23:46:06 Blind Seagull Connections
Tuesday 23:49:20 Laguna Amber Hands
Tuesday 23:52:46 On The Flesh Affliction
Tuesday 23:57:24 Joy Division Isolation