Frontière Rock 100% Underground du 04.06.19
Frontière Rock 22h minuit chaque mardi et découvrir toute l'actualité de la scène Underground mondiale : Post Punk, Cold Wave, Deathrock, New Wave, Darkwave, Gothic Rock…
Ré écoutez l’émission Dark du mardi 04 Juin 2019 qui monte en cliquant sur le lien ci dessus.
Une programmation pleine de nouveautés, d’inédits, d'exclus et de classiques et de souvenirs, et un nouvelle chronique chaque semaine "Post Punk Story" et un agenda des concerts de la semaine.
tous les mardis de 22H à Minuit
Ce soir la Frontière reçoit Christophe un des membres du groupe PRESS GANG METROPOL pour nous présenter leur nouvel album Point Blank.
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Frontiere Rock 22:00 midnight every Tuesday and discover all the news of the world Underground scene: Post Punk, Cold Wave, Deathrock, New Wave, Darkwave, Gothic Rock ...
Listen to the Dark show of Tuesday, June 04, 2019, which goes up by clicking on the link above.
A program full of novelties, unreleased, exclusives and classics and memories, and a new column each week "Post Punk Story" and a calendar of concerts of the week.
every Tuesday from 22H to midnight
Tonight Frontier receives Christophe a member of PRESS GANG METROPOL group to present their new album Point Blank.
Date: 04/06/2019
Slot: 22h
Hour Performer Title
Tuesday 22:00:00
Tuesday 22:04:15 The Completers Silence
Tuesday 22:08:29 Choux Distance
Tuesday 22:12:20 Vodsel Unity
Tuesday 22:16:05 The Endless The Escape
Tuesday 22:21:10 Caidas Libres Poderes simples
Tuesday 22:24:47 No Heart Country Sorry Lazarus
Tuesday 22:28:38 Membranes A Strange Perfume
Tuesday 22:32:24 Sonsombre Fear
Tuesday 22:48:07 Press Gang Metropol Unraveling
Tuesday 22:56:05 Folk Devils Hank Turns Blue
Date: 04/06/2019
Slot: 23h
Hour Performer Title
Tuesday 23:00:00
Tuesday 23:03:23 Visions From Cold Poems Joyful Sorrow
Tuesday 23:08:06 Tragedy Vampires Disciplined Disciple
Tuesday 23:13:11 Fopmusic A place in my heart
Tuesday 23:17:48 Atom Parasite
Tuesday 23:20:13 Feu Follet Le Champ des morts
Tuesday 23:23:10 Tan Lejos Morir al despertar
Tuesday 23:28:13 Glume Pale Love
Tuesday 23:31:31 Hallowed Hearts lost
Tuesday 23:34:40 Double Echo Felix and Tantrum
Tuesday 23:39:28 The Darts Don't Hold My Hand
Tuesday 23:44:09 Vesperal Wasteland
Tuesday 23:48:00 Masquerade The Blood Is The New Black
Tuesday 23:53:28 Image Of Life Living Alone (LP Mix)
Tuesday 23:57:50 FRUSTATION On the rise
In: Frontière Rock