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Le collector de nuit Attitude : LA NUIT COLLECTORS

Frontière Rock 100% Underground du 10.09.19

Frontière Rock 22h minuit chaque mardi et découvrir toute l'actualité de la scène Underground mondiale : P Post Punk - Cold Wave - Dark Wave - Gothic Rock - Shoegaze
Ré écoutez l’émission Dark du mardi 09 Septembre 2019 qui monte en cliquant sur le lien ci dessus.
Une programmation pleine de nouveautés, d’inédits, d'exclus et de classiques et de souvenirs, et un nouvelle chronique chaque semaine "Post Punk Story" et un agenda des concerts de la semaine.
Ce soir La Frontière recevait en entretien cold Johan pour nous présenter son projet ISMAEL ARDAN et nous parler de son album Cold Chairs.

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Ismael-Ardan-2163534840531583/
Bandcamp : https://ardan.bandcamp.com/

Frontiere Rock 22:00 midnight every Tuesday and discover all the news of the world Underground scene: P Post Punk - Cold Wave - Dark Wave - Gothic Rock - Shoegaze
Listen to the Dark show of Tuesday, September 09, 2019, which goes up by clicking on the link above.
A program full of novelties, unreleased, exclusives and classics and memories, and a new column each week "Post Punk Story" and a calendar of concerts of the week.
Tonight Frontier was interviewing cold Johan to present his project ISMAEL ARDAN and tell us about his album Cold Chairs.

Date: 10/09/2019
Slot: 22h
Hour Performer Title
Tuesday 22:00:00
Tuesday 22:00:48 David Bowie Rebel Rebel
Tuesday 22:07:56 Obscenity Plugs The killing joke
Tuesday 22:10:44 Virgin Tears The Beauty of Broken People
Tuesday 22:15:04 Ringfinger Burning
Tuesday 22:18:00 Dancing Tongues shotgun
Tuesday 22:23:16 The Coventry The Maze (Single Edit)
Tuesday 22:26:07 Iggy Pop James Bond
Tuesday 22:30:43 Stranger and lovers Masochistic love
Tuesday 22:34:16 Frozen In Monochrome Streets
Tuesday 22:38:07 Trentemøller Try A Little (Radio Edit)
Tuesday 22:51:58 Ismael Ardan от неправильной стороны мира
Tuesday 22:56:10 Taxi Girl Cherchez le garçon

Date: 10/09/2019
Slot: 23h
Hour Performer Title
Tuesday 23:00:00
Tuesday 23:02:12 The Thirst Waste
Tuesday 23:10:43 Hex Midnight The Chase
Tuesday 23:14:20 Machine Speak Gloam
Tuesday 23:19:14 Daniel Coletti Lament
Tuesday 23:20:15 The Quinsy Corpses
Tuesday 23:25:42 Porn The radiance of all that shines
Tuesday 23:29:52 Dogs In Trees As I Burn
Tuesday 23:34:25 Emergency Contact Proletariat
Tuesday 23:36:55 Funeral Flies Corpse Killer
Tuesday 23:43:01 Jeremiah Saint Matter (Manipulated)
Tuesday 23:51:24 Twin Tribes Fantasmas
Tuesday 23:57:41 Ismael Ardan Calling again.
Wednesday 00:00:08 fr0318 Jingle 19.mp3 fr0318 Jingle 19.mp3