On Air
Le Morning Attitude By Seb : SEAL - Love's Divine

Frontière Rock 100% Underground du 21.01.25

Frontière Rock 22h minuit chaque mardi soir de 22h à minuit, plongez dans l'univers sombre et alternatif de la musique Dark, Alternative, Post Punk, Coldwave, Gothic Rock, Darkwave, Deathrock, New Wave, Dark Punk, Shoegaze...
Ré écoutez l’émission Dark pour la rentrée de l'émission pour sa 10ème Saison Radiophonique du mardi 21 Janvier 2025 qui monte en cliquant sur le lien ci dessus.
Animée par Dark Jérôme, cette émission vous fera découvrir des nouveautés récentes des meilleurs groupes et artistes de la scène underground, ainsi que les classiques du genre.
Ce soir La Frontière reçoit en entretien cold le groupe Jesus Lives in Vegas pour son nouvel album Joy or Sorrow sortie sur les 2 labels Trinity webzine & Meidosem Records co-production avec Masse Noire Records.
Et pour continuer en beauté, écoutez la chronique Ma Discothèque Vinyle indispensable, où Jean-Marc vous présentera un album culte ou rare qu'il a déniché dans sa collection personnelle de vinyles.

Frontière Rock 22h midnight every Tuesday evening from 22h to midnight, dive into the dark and alternative world of Dark, Alternative, Post Punk, Coldwave, Gothic Rock, Darkwave, Deathrock, New Wave, Dark Punk, Shoegaze music…
Listen again to the Dark show for the start of the show for its 10th Radiophonic Season on Tuesday, January 21th, 2025, which is coming up by clicking on the link above.
Hosted by Dark Jérôme, this show will introduce you to recent new releases from the best bands and artists on the underground scene, as well as classics of the genre.
This evening La Frontière welcomes the group Jesus Lives in Vegas for a cold interview for their new album Joy or Sorrow released on the 2 labels Trinity webzine & Meidosem Records co-production with Masse Noire Records.
Don’t miss the announcement of the week’s concerts, concocted by our Dénicheur Jean-Marc, who will reveal the dates and places where you can attend live performances by the bands you love.
And to continue in style, listen to the column Ma Discothèque Vinyle indispensable, where Jean-Marc will present a cult or rare album that he found in his personal vinyl collection.

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Date: 21/01/2025
Slot: 22h
Hour Performer Title
Tuesday 22:00:00
Tuesday 22:02:20 Pornographie Exclusive Wanderlust
Tuesday 22:05:01 Promaja A Call To Arms
Tuesday 22:08:34 THE CALM GREY The Mystery
Tuesday 22:11:38 Sacred Legion (Crawl) Into The Fire (Feat. Matteo Bracaglia)
Tuesday 22:15:07 Spare Skin Keep Calm
Tuesday 22:20:21 Piel De Lana Peso En El Alma
Tuesday 22:24:06 Liight Self Destruct
Tuesday 22:28:32 Ductape Blue Black
Tuesday 22:33:47 Liminal prison Linceul
Tuesday 22:37:20 Anders Manga Crematia
Tuesday 22:56:10 Jesus Lives In Vegas Lovin’ You

Date: 21/01/2025
Slot: 23h
Hour Performer Title
Tuesday 23:00:00
Tuesday 23:04:00 Lowlife As It Happens
Tuesday 23:09:44 Kite Heartless Places
Tuesday 23:13:50 Patrik Adolfsson Haters, Fuck Off
Tuesday 23:17:29 The Dark Shadows Alien Movies (Live)
Tuesday 23:20:54 The Shallows Soft Night
Tuesday 23:26:42 Ash Code Living For The Sound
Tuesday 23:30:21 Aven Graph Lost
Tuesday 23:33:17 Endelos Crashed Bones
Tuesday 23:36:38 Hideous Empire Bajo la Luna Negra
Tuesday 23:41:51 The Slashes Three Sisters
Tuesday 23:45:09 The Occasion Last Goodbye
Tuesday 23:48:50 Das Kelzer Supplications In Prayer
Tuesday 23:52:09 THE GHOST OF BELA LUGOSI Nosferatu
Tuesday 23:57:31 OTIUM Le noir te va si bien