Frontière Rock 100% Underground du 22.10.19
Frontière Rock 22h minuit chaque mardi et découvrir toute l'actualité de la scène Underground mondiale : P Post Punk - Cold Wave - Dark Wave - Gothic Rock - Shoegaze
Ré écoutez l’émission Dark du mardi 22 Octobre 2019 qui monte en cliquant sur le lien ci dessus.
Une programmation pleine de nouveautés, d’inédits, d'exclus et de classiques et de souvenirs, et un nouvelle chronique chaque semaine "Post Punk Story" et un agenda des concerts de la semaine.
Ce soir La Frontière à en invité durant la 1ère heure David de North Shadows Records pour nous présenter la programmation de North Shadows Records Festival qui se déroulera le 26 octobre 2019à Auchel + l'Agenda des Concerts et événements de la semaine ensuite vous retrouverez les nouveautés et découvertes.
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/northshadowsrecords/
Site : http://northshadowsrecords.fr
Frontiere Rock 22:00 midnight every Tuesday and discover all the news of the world Underground scene: P Post Punk - Cold Wave - Dark Wave - Gothic Rock - Shoegaze
Listen to the Dark show of Tuesday, October 22th, 2019, which goes up by clicking on the link above.
A program full of novelties, unreleased, exclusives and classics and memories, and a new column each week "Post Punk Story" and a calendar of concerts of the week.
Tonight Frontier has invited during the first hour David of North Shadows Records to present us the programming of North Shadows Records Festival which will take place on October 26, 2019 in Auchel + the Agenda of Concerts and events of the week then you will find the novelties and discoveries.
Date: 22/10/2019
Slot: 22h
Hour Performer Title
Tuesday 22:00:00
Tuesday 22:07:54 Then Comes Silence The Dead Cry For No One
Tuesday 22:11:34 BUNKER STRASSE Suicide
Tuesday 22:23:55 White Coal Addiction An Evil Twist
Tuesday 22:29:14 Date at Midnight Cold Modern World
Tuesday 22:40:36 Autopsie d'une Ombre Sin
Tuesday 22:44:14 Ainsophaur Panser les plaies
Tuesday 22:48:47 Je t'Aime The Flying Dutchman
Tuesday 22:56:36 Babel 17 Always on the run
Date: 22/10/2019
Slot: 23h
Hour Performer Title
Tuesday 23:00:00
Tuesday 23:00:16 Vuduvox VAUDOU ELECTRIQUE
Tuesday 23:08:23 Alex Sindrome Vampire
Tuesday 23:11:47 The Empty World Out of Reach
Tuesday 23:17:23 The Venus fly Trap Rocket USA
Tuesday 23:24:56 Figure Section Spectre
Tuesday 23:29:56 Союзпечать Plyazh
Tuesday 23:32:14 The NIGHTCHILD Painful Memories
Tuesday 23:36:30 Sjöblom A Victory Of Love
Tuesday 23:41:12 Flatwaves Settled
Tuesday 23:43:42 The Horror Club Sleepwalking
Tuesday 23:47:53 Hexa Walking Wounded
Tuesday 23:52:45 Screensaver MEDS
Tuesday 23:56:25 Edo Eztli
In: Frontière Rock