Frontière Rock 100% Underground du 09.04.24
Frontière Rock 22h minuit chaque mardi soir de 22h à minuit, plongez dans l'univers sombre et alternatif de la musique Dark, Alternative, Post Punk, Coldwave, Gothic Rock, Darkwave, Deathrock, New Wave, Dark Punk, Shoegaze... Ré écoutez l’émission Dark du mardi 9 Avril 2024 qui monte en cliquant sur le lien ci dessus.
Animée par Dark Jérôme, cette émission vous fera découvrir des nouveautés récentes des meilleurs groupes et artistes de la scène underground, ainsi que les classiques du genre.
Ne manquez pas l'annonce des concerts de la semaine, concoctée par notre Dénicheur Jean-Marc, qui vous dévoilera les dates et les lieux où vous pourrez assister aux performances live des groupes que vous aimez.
Et pour continuer en beauté, écoutez la chronique Ma Discothèque Vinyle indispensable, où Jean-Marc vous présentera un album culte ou rare qu'il a déniché dans sa collection personnelle de vinyles.
Frontière Rock 10 p.m. midnight every Tuesday evening from 10 p.m. to midnight, immerse yourself in the dark and alternative world of Dark, Alternative, Post Punk, Coldwave, Gothic Rock, Darkwave, Deathrock, New Wave, Dark Punk, Shoegaze… music. Listen again to the Dark show from Tuesday April 9th, 2024 which is going up by clicking on the link above.
Hosted by Dark Jérôme, this show will introduce you to recent new releases from the best groups and artists of the underground scene, as well as classics of the genre.
Don’t miss the announcement of the week’s concerts, put together by our Scouter Jean-Marc, who will reveal the dates and places where you can attend live performances of the groups you like.
And to continue in style, listen to the My Indispensable Vinyl Discotheque column, where Jean-Marc will present to you a cult or rare album that he unearthed in his personal vinyl collection.
Date: 09/04/2024
Slot: 22h
Hour Performer Title
Tuesday 22:00:00
Tuesday 22:02:43 Disorientations Not Here
Tuesday 22:06:36 Date At Midnight Another Grace
Tuesday 22:11:01 MOLT Arte plástico
Tuesday 22:14:33 Agent blå Discount
Tuesday 22:18:18 HUIR Lovers
Tuesday 22:21:36 Soft Kill Come Hang From The Roof Tops
Tuesday 22:25:38 The Silence Industry The Crawling Eye
Tuesday 22:32:04 FUNHOUSE You And You Alone
Tuesday 22:37:37 Selofan Sticky Fingers
Tuesday 22:44:22 cranes Fuse (Original Version)
Tuesday 22:47:49 Rare Kreature Serrated Luvvv
Tuesday 22:51:06 KAARST The Blinding Black
Tuesday 22:55:34 Stranger and Lovers Dominik
Date: 09/04/2024
Slot: 23h
Hour Performer Title
Tuesday 23:00:00
Tuesday 23:04:16 Corpus Delicti Saraband
Tuesday 23:10:33 past self, Haunt Me Sinner (Pecador/죄인)
Tuesday 23:14:12 VickVapors Torn
Tuesday 23:18:12 Delirium Mask Sacramentinos
Tuesday 23:21:19 The Cold Field All Alone
Tuesday 23:25:57 Ancient Lights Ancient Lights
Tuesday 23:29:06 Scene Noir The Color of Desire (single)
Tuesday 23:34:23 The Sweet Kill Undead
Tuesday 23:37:13 CURSES Elegant Death
Tuesday 23:42:58 The Burning Crow Little Tin Soldier
Tuesday 23:46:33 Art Dave Shinji The Sound Wave Man
Tuesday 23:51:21 Lunar Paths A Star at Dawn
Tuesday 23:56:54 My Own Burial Pain And Frustration
In: Frontière Rock